Fee Structure

The Model School, Kapodra
Fee Structure of Academic Year: 2012-13
Type of Fee Standard Addmission Fee Two Term Fee Annual Examination Fee Tuition Fee
(Per Month)
Computer Fee
(Per Month)
Charges Infants 1 150/- 300/- 125/- 150/- --- ---
Infants 2 --- 300/- 125/- 150/- --- ---
1 150/- 300/- 150/- 150/- --- 40/-
2 --- 300/- 150/- 150/- 25/- 75/-
3 --- 300/- 150/- 150/- 25/- 125/-
4 --- 300/- 150/- 150/- 25/- 115/-
5 --- 300/- 150/- 150/- 50/- 150/-
6 --- 300/- 150/- 150/- 50/- 135/-
7 --- 300/- 150/- 150/- 50/- 125/-
8 --- 300/- 150/- 160/- 50/- ---
9 150/- 300/- 150/- 160/- 50/- ---
10 --- 300/- 150/- 180/- 50/- ---
Half Fee Infants 1 150/- 300/- 125/- 75/- --- ---
Infants 2 --- 300/- 125/- 75/- --- ---
1 150/- 300/- 150/- 75/- --- 40/-
2 --- 300/- 150/- 75/- 25/- 75/-
3 --- 300/- 150/- 75/- 25/- 125/-
4 --- 300/- 150/- 75/- 25/- 115/-
5 --- 300/- 150/- 75/- 50/- 150/-
6 --- 300/- 150/- 75/- 50/- 135/-
7 --- 300/- 150/- 75/- 50/- 125/-
8 --- 300/- 150/- 80/- 50/- ---
9 150/- 300/- 150/- 80/- 50/- ---
10 --- 300/- 150/- 90/- 50/- ---
Forgiveness and Staff Infants 1 150/- 300/- 125/- 25/- --- ---
Infants 2 --- 300/- 125/- 25/- --- ---
1 150/- 300/- 150/- 25/- --- ---
2 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 25/- ---
3 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 25/- ---
4 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 25/- ---
5 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 50/- ---
6 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 50/- ---
7 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 50/- ---
8 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 50/- ---
9 150/- 300/- 150/- 25/- 50/- ---`
10 --- 300/- 150/- 25/- 50/- ---